Board of Supervisors
Noreen Vigilante
Term Expires: 1/2/2030
Vice Chair
Harold Hallman III
Term Expires: 1/5/2026
Steven Costa
Term Expires: 1/2/2028
Thomas McLewee
Term Expires: 1/2/2030
Carin Mifsud
Term Expires: 1/5/2026
West Pikeland Township
Board of Supervisors
Pictured left to right: Harold Hallman III (Vice Chair), Thomas McLewee, Noreen Vigilante (Chair), Steven Costa, Carin Mifsud
The Board of Supervisors meets the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month at 7:30 PM in the Meeting Room of the West Pikeland Township Building at 1645 Art School Road, Chester Springs PA.
You can contact the Board of Supervisors at supervisors@westpikeland.com
The next meeting is:
Monday, March 17, at 7:30 PM
The public is invited to attend. Please enter via the lower courtyard.
Agendas are published the Friday before each meeting.